Venue Info

What To Bring

  • Clear bags smaller than 12″ x 6″ x 12″ ONLY
  • Service animals
  • E-cigs/vapes
  • Cell phones and portable chargers
  • Medical face coverings
  • Deodorant and sunscreen lotion
  • Hydration packs (must be clear and empty upon entry)
  • Drinking Water (must be a factory-sealed bottle)
  • Blankets & Beach Towels (no larger than 8′ x 8′)
  • Ear Plugs
  • Non-professional flash/still cameras
  • Personal misting fan (must be empty upon entry)
  • Feminine products (sealed upon entry)
  • Hand Sanitizer (under 2 oz.)
  • Breast pumps at all-ages events
  • Rain ponchos
Not Allowed
  • Bags that are not clear
  • Clear bags that are larger than 12″ x 6″ x 12″
  • Outside food or beverage items
  • Alcohol, flasks, outside cans or cups
  • Balls or frisbees
  • Costumes that resemble public safety uniforms
  • Coolers, ice or ice packs
  • Gas masks
  • Glass containers
  • Illegal substances, drugs, or drug paraphernalia
  • Soliciting or illegal/unauthorized vending
  • Weapon or weapon accessories of any kind, real or fictional
  • Large chains or spiked jewelry
  • Spray paint
  • Massagers
  • Animals or pets
  • Flammable laterns, fireworks or any types of explosives
  • Skateboards, scooters, or personalized motor vehicles
  • Tents or canopies
  • Umbrellas
  • Chairs
  • Wagons or carts of any type
  • Professional photo, video, or audio recording equipment
  • Lasers or pointers
  • Instruments, megaphones, horns, or noise makers
  • Drones, remote-controlled aircraft, toys, or UAVs
  • Selfie sticks
  • Stickers, flyers

General Info

Only bags that are clear and do not exceed 12″ x 6″ x 12″ or 1 gallon clear plastic freezer bag (ziplock bag or similar).

All items will be searched upon entry. Guests have the right to refuse a bag search and the venue has the right to refuse entry.

If you have any items that are not allowed into the venue please return them to your vehicle or discard them into the appropriate trash receptacles at the entry gates.

For our guests with ADA needs, we are committed to ensuring a comfortable and accessible experience. Please visit the information window at the box office and inquire about obtaining an ADA wristband.

Amphitheater’s policy is consistent with the ADA’s, and defines that a “service animal” is limited to a dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability. Under the ADA, “comfort,” “therapy,” or “emotional support animals” do not meet the definition of a service animal.

By entering an event at the Central Florida Fairgrounds, you are entering an area where photography, audio and video recording may occur.

Your entry and presence on the event premises constitutes your consent to be photographed, filmed, and/or otherwise recorded and to the release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction of any and all recorded media of your appearance, voice, and name for any purpose whatsoever in perpetuity in connection with the Central Florida Fairgrounds and its initiatives, including, by way of example only, use on websites, in social media, news and advertising.

By entering the event premises, you waive and release any claims you may have related to the use of recorded media of you at the event, including, without limitation, any right to inspect or approve the photo, video or audio recording of you, any claims for invasion of privacy, violation of the right of publicity, defamation, and copyright infringement or for any fees for use of such record media.

You understand that all photography, filming and/or recording will be done in reliance on this consent. If you do not agree to the foregoing, please do not enter the event premises.

Cancellations will only occur in the event of severe weather, artist cancellation, or an act of God. In the event of a show cancellation local media will be notified and any information about a potential reschedule will be made available. Refunds will be available at the point of purchase.

Any guest that is violating venue policy or law will be ejected from the facility at the sole discretion of management.

In the event of an emergency while on site, the Orlando Amphitheater has trained paramedics to assist with any medical issues. First Aid is located on the west side of the venue near the concessions building, but any staff member with a radio can dispatch First Aid to the location needed. Orlando Police are on site during events as well, in the event additional assistance is needed. Orlando Amphitheater works closely with the City of Orlando to ensure that we are up to date on any dangerous weather or potential crowd related issues. In the event of a weather emergency- we will communicate with guests that are inside of the facility as well as guests on their way to the venue site. Please follow our Facebook page for the latest developments on event days.

Guests are expected to behave respectfully and in accordance with venue policy and state laws. Any guest that is acting in a manner that venue management deems unsafe can be subject to eviction (see above Ejection policy). If a guest violates a state or local law they will be subject to any tickets or punishment deemed necessary by local law enforcement.

Scalping or reselling tickets is strictly prohibited. Any guest caught selling tickets on or around the venue will be processed accordingly.

Re-Entry is not permitted at Orlando Amphitheater. Please ensure that everything you will need for the event is brought in with you. If you do leave at any point in the evening- you will not be allowed back in without a new ticket. *If you are ejected from the venue due to a policy violation there will be no re-entry allowed.

Smoking is strictly prohibited inside any of the fairground’s indoor facilities.

Strollers are not permitted at Orlando Amphitheater due to there being no where for them to be stored. They tend to also become a tripping hazard to other guests.

SUBJECT TO CHANGE – The standard venue policy allows camera phones, disposable cameras, and small digital cameras. Any camera that has a detachable lens will be considered professional and not allowed in. If the camera lens zooms out of the camera more than 1 in- it will be considered a professional camera and will not be allowed in. Some artists do not permit cameras so please check back for the show you will be attending to ensure that we will be allowing cameras in.

Videotaping is never permitted during events. Please see event specific information related to audio recording as some artists do allow audio recording.

All shows will go on rain or shine. However, in the event of severe weather we will keep our fans notified via our Facebook page. An event may be delayed, postponed, or canceled depending on the severity of the weather expected.

Low back, low seat lawn chairs are allowed at the Amphitheater ONLY when permitted*. Lawn chairs with a seat higher than 9″ off the ground (measured from the front of the seat) are NOT permitted.

*Please note: lawn chairs may be prohibited at certain events upon artist request. IF allowed it will be posted on our Facebook page on the day of the show.

All sponsorship inquiries should be directed to our office. Please call (407) 295-3247 and ask to speak with someone in the sponsorship department. Any handouts or presence onsite needs to be cleared with venue sponsorship. EVEN WHEN PROMOTER APPROVES venue has right to deny. If you do not have permission to be onsite you will be escorted off the property immediately.

Accessible Parking is located on-site. Parking off property is park at your own risk. Parking fee for events is generally $20 (cash only) but may change depending on the event. Please check our Instagram or Facebook page for info.

See You Soon!

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