It’s finally Monday and Forbidden Kingdom ’23 is officially just under a year away!
What? Too soon? We don’t think so!
We were looking forward to FK for months, and now that it has passed us by in the blink of an eye, we’re ready for more. But first, let’s rehash what went down this year – starting with the lineup. (Gif of someone looking excited, rubbing hands even)
The Lineup
This year’s lineup came to us in two phases; the first one hooked us in with the promise of a second drop totaling over 100 artists, so we waited with anticipation as FK ’22 neared. The second wave arrived with more headliners: Rezz, Griz, LSDREAM, Eliminate, and Herobust B2B DoctorP. Any fans who were on the fence before purchasing their ticket surely received all the convincing needed by this point.
The Map: Here How it’s Different
FK22 switched things up from 2021, starting with their stages. This year, they utilized our warehouse for The Village stage, and made the Amphitheater their Cyberian Stage as opposed to their main Forbidden Stage as they had done last year. This meant their new Forbidden Stage was much bigger and surrounded by shaded areas! We were excited to see the Fire District Stage again with fire blazing through the weekend. As if that all wasn’t enough, our FK fam also brought on a fifth one: the Mystic stage.
Storm Valley Art Car
Vendor Village came with many of our favorite vendors from last year, including the trippy art blacklight room, a Kandie creation booth (also found in VIP!), and free body marbling from Kandies World.
Forbidden Kingdom Goodies
In case you didn’t already know, one of the most exciting features of this particular music festival is that it comes with an epic fiction tale about fantastical royalty, powerful warriors, and magical beasts. Not only does this open up more opportunity for fans to feel further engaged with the event, but it also leaves the door open for plenty of exciting merch such as Forbidden Kingdom’s limited edition GOLDEN trading cards based around creatures and characters found in the three-part tale. Every year they come out with a fresh set of these cards, available for purchase of any merch or in sets for great deals. We look forward to seeing what else FK will have to offer in connection to the exciting storyline in years to come.
To jump down that rabbit hole, be sure to check out the free downloadable story on the Forbidden Kingdom official website. Here’s a quick link to get you started!
Closing out
Closing out Day 1 of FK were Excision, Seven Lions, Hekler, and Kanine.
Closing out Day 2 were Rezz, Substronics, Modestep, and 12th Planet.
With Forbidden Kingdom now behind us, we’ve we’re absolutely stoked to bring them back in 2023. We’ll see you there again, too!